The Quran verse explains to us in a scientific viewpoint about the system of the universe, whereby all move on their respective orbit sand tracks. All the planets, moons and stars will not collide with one another as long as Allah wills it as such these movements are those of Sunnatullah or the movement of the norms. The earth circles around the sun for a year in one direction, the moon circles around the earth for a month on one direction and all the planets in the universe circle the sun in one direction known as the Tawaf Movement (Anticlockwise).

The idea of an earth movement clockwise clock and watches strikes when our founder question his class teacher when he was in primary 3 way back in 1974. His gazillion golden question to his teacher was, why does the clock rotates from left to right and not vice-versa. When the answer that he got was conservatively. So the guest to nd clockwise begins. While studying in California, USA, he discover s that mother nature’s and its inhabitants move from right to left which is known as anticlockwise. The earth rotates on its own axis from right to left and so does the moon and the planets circulating the sun, so does the Milky Way. Undoubtedly all plants when they grow, they will rotates from right to left. Even the hurricane gets its strenght by rotating from right to left. Furthermore, among athletics even starts and nish from right to left. Running on the track and eld, throwing shot put and discus, top spin, bicycle races etc. Even when you look out the running water in the sink, it rotates from right to left. As the audience grows day by day, Hijra founder realise that the time clockwise of today’s clock and watches should be rotating from right to left. Through the existing clockwise was imitating the ancient sundial shadow rotation but today clock and watches does not apply sundial shadow shadow movement on its creation. Furthermore, the ancient sundial clock way more of a kind of worshipping dal then goddess and today’s watch and clock does not has any relationship with worshipping, its purely a time machine that moves accordingly to nature’s form. The Sun even moves from east to west or right to left. Based on these evidences and ndings, the rst earth movement clock and watch was made in 2001. Though this is not the world rst anti clock wise watches made because some watch maker has in the port make such a watches and clock. However, those anti clock wise watches when it was made the intention is more of fashion and uniqueness. On the countrary Hijra movement clock and watch when it was introduced in 2009 was to the fact that Hijra believes the true clockwise is from right to left which is the earth movement and therefore Hijra embarked into a mission to see that the whole world adapt the true clockwise of earth movement which is from right to left. To see that the whole world change the present clock to the true clockwise movement relating with the formation of Hijra Timepiece (M) Sdn Bhd on 11th September 2013. With the above above storyline, Hijra believe that we are the rst clock and watches company in the world that want to change the world clock and watches movement to the true clockwise movement that is the earth movement or that was called ‘Tawaf Movement’.

Thursday, 20 October 2016


Topik Dinar Emas mula diperbualkan selepas Krisis Kewangan yang melanda Malaysia pada tahun 1998. Selepas itu, mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad pernah mencadangkan negara-negara OIC untuk melakukan perdagangan dengan menggunakan Dinar Emas.

Kemudian, kewujudan Dinar Emas telah diperkenalkan secara rasminya dan diperdebatkan di Malaysia pada 19 Ogos, 2002 di satu persidangan antarabangsa bertajuk 2002 International Conference on Stable and Just Monetary System: The Viability of the Islamic Dinar yang dianjurkan Universiti Islam Antarabangsa di PWTC, Kuala Lumpur.

Hasil dari persidangan tersebut, kajian menyeluruh mengenai Dinar Emas telah dibentangkan oleh ramai ahli akademik dan profesional dari jurusan kewangan, ekonomi, syariah dan undang-undang. Kesemua kajian-kajian tersebut telah dikompilasikan dalam satu prosiding bertajuk Proceedings 2002 International Conference on Stable and Just Monetary System: The Viability of the Islamic Dinar.

Pada awal pengenalan Dinar Emas, ramai ahli kewangan dan ekonomi skeptikal tentang kewujudan Dinar Emas dan keupayaannya untuk menggantikan sistem kewangan yang sedia ada, yakni yang berasaskan wang kertas (paper currency). Walaupun demikian, sekumpulan kecil penggiat Dinar tetap meneruskan usaha mereka meyakinkan orang ramai tentang kebaikan Dinar. Alhamdulillah, berkat usaha mereka ini, Dinar semakin diterima dan diyakini terutama apabila tanda-tanda kehancuran ekonomi Amerika Syarikat semakin jelas kelihatan. Kini, apabila keyakinan terhadap matawang Dollar Amerika semakin rapuh, seluruh dunia semakin yakin terhadap Emas. Di sesetengah negara seperti Indonesia, stok emas kehabisan disebabkan para pelabur berpusu-pusu membeli emas (gold rush). Secara tidak langsung, semakin ramai yang berminat menyimpan Dinar Emas disebabkan denominasinya yang kecil berbanding bullion.

Walaupun sudah 6 tahun berlalu dari persidangan pertama Dinar di Malaysia, masih ramai yang tidak jelas tentang kewujudannya. Maka disebabkan itu, banyak kekeliruan timbul dari segi spesifikasinya, mengapa Dinar Emas diperlukan dan bagaimana melaksanakannya. Soalan-soalan lazim seperti tidakkah berat membawanya, keselamatan menyimpannya, bagaimana untuk mendapatkannya dan bagaimana hendak menggunakannya akan cuba kami jawab. Oleh itu pihak kami mengambil inisiatif ini untuk menjelaskan dan menyampaikan maklumat mengenai Dinar Emas, perkembangannya dan perlaksanaannya kepada anda.

Kami akan menyiarkan kajian-kajian dan artikel-artikel yang ditulis oleh para penggiat Dinar Emas untuk dikongsi bersama anda. Selain dari itu, kami akan memaparkan program-program Dinar Emas yang terdahulu sama ada dari segi audio, video atau penulisan dan program-program terkini untuk anda yang berminat menghadirinya dan mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai Dinar Emas.

Terimakasih kerana melawat blog ini. Sila kembali dari masa ke semasa bagi mendapatkan maklumat terkini.

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